Black Panther

Civil War in Captain America brought to the fore a new super hero in the person of Black Panther – or Pantera Neagra, more in Romanian. The man hiding behind Pantera Negro’s costume is T’Challa, the son of King of an African country isolated from the rest of the world, who was killed in a bomb attack by Helmut Zemo, the new enemy of the Winter Warrior, the attack on the Black Pantera to destroy it. After being caught in the Civil War and taking Iron Man’s part, T’Challla learned the truth about Zemo’s scam and decided to help the Warrior of Winter, giving him shelter in his country, Wakanda.

With the death of his father, T’Challla took over as head of the country and, with this responsibility, attracted a host of enemies from his own country. A group of influential people from Wakanda is planning a little revolt to dethrone the new leader and take power from the hands of the Black Panther. To preserve his power and prevent Wakanda from being destroyed, he must ally with a few key people.

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