Breaking In

After the murder of her father, Isaac, Shaun Russell travels to his father’s home with his two children, Jasmine and Glover, with the purpose of arranging things and selling property with a host of state-of-the-art security systems. The system is stopped when they arrive but is reactivated by Glover. Without their knowledge, four criminals – Peter, Sam, Duncan and Eddie – are already in the house and have no friendly attitude.
Peter runs Shaun up to the forest, where she manages to hit him and leave him unconscious. She binds him and uses a communications system to get in touch with others, and Eddie tells him she has nothing with her or his children, they just want access to the safe in which they are convinced that the amount is four million dollars. Isaac was under investigation, and Sam found out that he had liquidated some of the goods he had.
The burglary has only 90 minutes from cutting off the communications lines until the security company contacts the police, so they want to find the vault faster and leave before the police arrive. Hidden by the trees, Shaun sees Maggie, the real estate agent, who comes to figure out the contract details for the sale of the property and is met by Eddie who explains that Shaun has left for a while in the city, inviting her to come in for her.

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