
While taking care of his fragile mother, Arthur Fleck struggles to fulfill his dream of succeeding in the entertainment world. However, whether at work for hours, or as an amateur monologuist, he has to endure teasing and contempt of society. On the verge of madness and in search of a father figure who finds neither in the millionaire Thomas Wayne nor in the host Murray Franklin, Arthur will be the protagonist of a series of events that, instead of laughter, will cause panic. Awarded with the Golden Lion at the Venice Festival, Joker is the first in a series of independent projects where Warner is committed to creative freedom, instead of large budgets or cinematic universes, to tell more risky stories that involve emblematic characters of the cartoons of DC. In this way, Todd Phillips (R3sacón) introduces Batman’s arch nemesis into the low backgrounds of a Gotham inspired by the gangster cinema of Martin Scorsese (producer of the film). There is a film with its own personality where immorality, nervous laughter and violence are confused in the disturbed mind of an ignored, and even despised, being by society. Oscar nominee Joaquin Phoenix (The Sisters brothers), who has lost 25 kilos for this role, signs a new masterful interpretation as this free version of the character (does not take as reference any previous comic or movie), a man mired in pathos deeper that will resurface as Prince Clown of Crime to unleash chaos and defy the fundamentals of the system. The Oscar-winning Robert de Niro (Joy), Zazie Beetz (Deadpool 2), Frances Conroy (Stone) and Brett Cullen (Red Dawn), among others, complete the cast.

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