After the events in Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters, the Aratrum fails to contact Haruo and the rest of the crew after their confrontation with Godzilla. The captain orders that if the drones find no survivors for 48, then Aratrum will withdraw from the Earth. Haruo Sakaki is rescued by a native named Miana and treats his wounds with a strange powder...
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In a futuristic city called Grainland, a girl named Mai Su is living an ideal life with her parents, until a quarrel breaks and her father leaves. Over the next few years, her mother, Molly, laments the husband’s departure and buys very advanced robots, neglecting Mai...
Read more ...After the overthrow of the Ocean Master due to the Justice League, Amanda Waller is deploying Deamshot Team Count Vertigo and the Punch and Jewelee criminals to recover a hard drive with important Tobias Whale information. The mission is successful, but Vertigo and Jewelee betray the team and kill Punch...
Read more ...Superman has become an icon of virtue for Metropolis citizens, a notion that still terrifies the billionaire’s greatest enemy, Lex Luthor, the latter considering Superman as a threat to the city. After performing an attempted abduction of the mayor by Intergang, armed with Apokolips technology, such as Mother Box, Superman and Justice League, they send the songs to S.T.A.R. Labs to be analyzed...
Read more ...One of the most beloved superheroes families is back in focus, but this time the spotlight is Helen (Elastigirl), leaving Bob (Mr. Incredible) home to take care of the children while they are she is fighting offenders...
Read more ...In a distant Japan from a distant future, a terrible virus affects all the dogs in the country. Despite the fact that Watanabe scientist is near to finding a cure, Megasaki’s mighty mayor, Kenji Kobayashi, signs a decree by which all dogs are expelled to the Garbage Island. The first dog sent to exile is Spots, the one belonging to Atari Kobayashi, the mayor’s orphan nephew...
Read more ...Sherlock Gnomes and his assistant, Gnome Watson, give their way to a museum where their biggest enemy, a mascot called Moriarty, keeps hostages more garden dwarves, planning to destroy them. After a short fight, Moriarty is defeated and apparently killed by a dinosaur skeleton. Meanwhile, Gnomeo and Juliet, as well as the rest of the garden goblins, move to London...
Read more ...In the Lake District of England, the Peter Rabbit, his cousin Benjamin and his three triple sisters – which can be distinguished by the color of each jacket – Flopsy (red), Mopsy (yellow) and Cottontail (turquoise) spend most of their time fighting the gardener Mr McGregor and stealing his vegetables, especially carrots...
Read more ...An asteroid enters collision with prehistoric Earth and causes the disappearance of dinosaurs on Earth, but a tribe of cavemen manage to survive and prosper in a valley. Finding a round of asterisk that is too hot to be touched, they start to “pass” from one to the other and thus invent the football game...
Read more ...Even vampires need a holiday every once in a while, and Count Dracula is no exception to this rule. The years when he took care of the Hotel Transilvania and tried to make the best possible holidays for the guests put their mark on him, and his daughter Mavis comes with a brilliant idea...
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