
At the beginning of the 20th century, J.R.R. Tolkien is a young man who is part of an exclusive group of friends with other writers and artists. As they mature and share their first experiences of love and loss, this alliance becomes practically brotherhood. The difficult years of the First World War, which threatens to separate them, and their stormy romance with Edith Bratt, will provide Tolkien with the courage and inspiration with which to write his famous novels about Middle-earth. Novelist, poet, philologist, linguist, teacher and soldier, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century, passed to posterity for being the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, works of deep depth in popular culture In order to count those friendships, romances and life experiences that influenced crucially in his literary production, Dome Karukoski (Tom of Finland) tells in Tolkien the years in which this character took the leap of childhood (as a lonely orphan ) to maturity to become a young man who found in the loyalty, love and horrors of World War I the inspiration to create one of the best epic fantasy sagas of all time. Nicholas Hoult (The Favorite) puts himself in the skin of Tolkien in this academic biopic that, nevertheless, shows how his creative process was forged through almost surrealist images, where the brutality of the war fuses with the story of sword and witchcraft that is taking shape in your imagination. Rounding out the cast are Lilly Collins (The exception to the rule), Patrick Gibson (His best story), Anthony Boyle (Z, the lost city) and Tom Glynn-Carney (Dunkirk), among others.

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