The film’s events take place in the 1960s, and it focuses on Jeannette and Jerry Brinson, who recently moved to Great Falls, Montana, with their teenage son Joe...
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After losing her husband and remaining a widow, Stephanie Smothers (Anna Kendrick) grows her own child and deals with a vogue about the kitchen. Because of the school she teaches her child, she marries Emily (Blake Lively), the mother of her son’s colleague. Emily is a woman dedicated to her work and the service consumes most of her time...
Read more ...A New York guard named Frank “Tony Lip” Vallelonga is looking for a new job after the nightclub he was working on closed for renovations. Eventually he arrives at an interview to hire himself as a driver for Doc Don Shirley, a renowned pianist...
Read more ...At an ambulatory circus that is staged during Halloween celebrations across most of America’s cities, a Cincinnati girl is detached from the group with whom she was in one of the labyrinths of this circus. There she is attacked by a masked individual known only under the pseudonym of “The Other”...
Read more ...Teddy had a lack of concentration during a high school high school test and decided to give up on continuing. Many years later, in his day, he has built a decent career that helps him earn enough money to avoid big gaps, but he does not win as well as let him see from the outside...
Read more ...A panicked mother named Malorie informs her two children, a little girl and a boy, that they will have to flee home on a dangerous boat ride on the river. She binds the two children to the eye with a façade and tells them that the face depends on their life and must not in any way take her off the eye...
Read more ...MI7 is the target of a large cybernetic attack from an unknown entity that expands the identity of all secret agents currently on the field in various missions. As a consequence, MI7 is forced to reactivate old inactive agents to locate those responsible for producing this critical information leak...
Read more ...In 1927, America’s Magic Congress, abbreviated MACUSA, transfers the powerful black magic wizard Gellert Grindelwald from their maximum security prison to one in London to be judged on the crimes he committed. Grindelwald escapes during the transfer, being helped by employee MACUSA and his fan, Abernathy...
Read more ...An American submarine, USS Tampa Bay, disappears as it passes through a Russian submarine in the Arctic Ocean. Admiral John Fisk sends another submarine, USS Arkansas, under the command of the newly-promoted commander, Joe Glass, to investigate...
Read more ...In the jungle, Kaa snake looks at how Shere Khan, a Bengal tiger, violates the law of the jungle and kills a family of people, but the child of that family manages to escape with life. Panther Bagheera, arrived at the scene, rescues the young man, Mowgli, and it leads him to a family of wolves who get it and you grow as were a member of their family, led by Nisha and Vihaan...
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